BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Category,Community Events,Category,Native American Center,Category,Student Events,Location,SJC Health and Human Performance Center (HHPC), Gymnasium,featured,Yes DESCRIPTION:Activities and Attractions The day will be filled with vibrant cultural experiences, including: Native Arts & Crafts Fair showcasing handmade creations Food vendors offering delicious traditional and contemporary cuisines Gourd dancing and intertribal powwow, featuring music and performances Don't miss out on this FREE community event! Master of Ceremonies Erny Zah (Navajo) Farmington, NM Arena Director Val Uentille (Diné) Kirtland, NM Northern Host Drum Iron Bear (Cree, Pueblo, and Navajo) Table Mesa, NM Southern Host Drum Smoke Stack (Diné) Dooalkaii, NM Date April 5, 2025 Time 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Location SJC Health and Human Performance Center (HHPC), Gymnasium For more information, contact the SJC Native American Center or (505) 566-3321. DTSTAMP:20250315T003059 DTSTART:20250405T100000 DTEND:20250405T220000 LOCATION:SJC Health and Human Performance Center (HHPC), Gymnasium SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:91ÖØ¿Ú Gourd Dance and Intertribal Powwow END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR